The topic of this weeks blogpost is the Nottingham Nightline PostSecret campaign. This campaign is over a year old now and has been extremely successful for Nottingham Nightline. What happens is; you post your secrets to me anonymously on the PostSecret website. You can then add a photo to accompany your secret or we will create an image ourselves.
These secrets are then uploaded to our PostSecret website and made into a slideshow. If you haven't already had a peek at the website, I really hope you do after reading this. Our volunteers work very hard making the secrets and images as emotive and appropriate as possible.
The website link is
I'm really happy students submit these secrets to me, it means a lot that so many of you send in your thoughts and feelings for me to turn into a visual format. If you do take time to look at the PostSecret slideshow, please do remember that it is students in Nottingham who send secrets in, people studying around you and who you may know. You also may find that a lot of the secrets relate to situations in your life.
If you've read this far, please take a few seconds out of your time to post your own secret and see what image we create for you and your secret! I've included a few of my favourite PostSecrets for you to have a look at below.
Thanks for reading,
Patch :)
P.S. I really enjoyed meeting all you Nottingham University students at Ocean on Friday. Let's never speak again about some of the dance moves I tried to pull off though. Some things need to stay in the past.
*** Bad Bear Joke of the Week! ***
What do you call a bear with no teeth??
A gummy bear!